Monday 30 January 2012

The art of Poker Judo and straights

The strategy of Judo is to allow your opponents aggression and strength to be their pitfall. Similarly with poker allow the LAG’s aggression to be their pitfall. Call their aggressive raises / bets through until the river and then pot size raise them. If they call then fold, otherwise if they’re holding lowest pair then hold on FTW...  

A LAG will show aggression raising all the way through for the backdoor flush/straight draw, but if they miss on the river they will fold to a raise call. 

Straights are a stealth hands = beware of them... I've been coolered by them a couple of times on Facebook poker today - my Ace set cooler-ed by a straight on the river, raising and counter re-raising until going all-in on the turn, but villain wouldn't fold. It reveals my weakness lack of straight awareness. A pitfall identified and plugged in my poker education.

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