Thursday, 15 March 2012

Fold equity - definition

Just thinking out loud here. Fold equity. How is it used? What situations?

Making opponent estimate the equity they give up by folding is less than the cost of making the call to our bet/raise.  In other words causing opponent to make an incorrect equity estimation by making opponent believe I have more equity in the pot than they (which may or may not be true).

When I want to induce folding I can 3-bet, shove all-in, double barrel to incur a cost against him he is unwilling to pay. 
The board texture ideally does not support his range.
The board texture supports my range. 
Aggression in the bettor/raiser supports fold equity - passiveness in the opponent supports your fold equity.
I have sufficient sized stack to threaten opponent for his stack. That is I can put him to the test for a decision for his stack using sufficiently sized bets. Also I support my threat with value in my hand, whether that be made value or implied value, and opponent can judge my hand to have implied odds based on the board, my pre-flop raise from position etc.

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