Thursday 2 February 2012

Poker Academy Pro learning from bot decisions

Bear in mind I've never played poker apart from some casual Facebook poker and the scope of this blog is a record of the process an absolute poker beginner goes through from whoa to go.

I've purchased a poker simulation program called Poker Academy Pro which I've been playing most days since and what I've found interesting is the decision making process of some of my bot opponents. To facilitate my learning process I have chosen to play with my bot opponents cards face up. 

One example I just observed was a turn card which gave a backdoor straight to one of the bots who raised. However he was pushed off his backdoor straight by another bot who had flopped a 3 pair. I can relate this scenario in some of my live play when drawing a backdoor flush or straight only to be raised gave me pause for thought. 

The solution is to calculate pot odds / implied odds to help in deciding the call. Obviously a straight beats a single or two pair and if the odds are in +EV in your favor then make the call. Short term losses from these types of decisions don't alter that a +EV call will always be in your favor long-term according to probability.  

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