Tuesday 21 February 2012

Villain made straight on the river

OK so I drew a pair of tens and the flop was KsKh9h so far so good, and I C-bet the pot and pot again on the turn which drew an 8h - a potential flush draw for someone. At this point in retrospect I should have gone all in pushing the flush draw off, but I didn't. The river drew a 4h and the player two seats to my right raised for 2 times pot $16,000 - a call which I promptly folded to realizing he'd river'd the flush. 

Lesson learned - when I flop the nuts I need to be aware of flush and straight draws - and if the turn puts a flush or straight draw on board I need to go all-in or at least make calling negative EV; putting my certain nuts hand against a potential draw putting villain to a decision for their stack at the most.

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